5 Tips on Weeding a Garden ...


5 Tips on Weeding a Garden ...
5 Tips on Weeding a Garden ...

Weeds are never a pleasant subject, when it comes to talking about them appearing in the garden. Keeping them out of the garden can be a tiring process. Weeding is also a never ending job. If you find yourself constantly fighting with weeds, then take a look at the 5 tips on weeding a garden that I've listed below. Maybe you will find something that makes your job a bit easier.

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5. Don't Wait Too Long

If you wait until you can see the weeds poking up in your garden as you peek out the kitchen window, then you just might have your work cut out for you. Attacking weeds while they are small and low in numbers will take a lot less time than if you wait until it’s difficult to distinguish between garden plants and weeds.

4. Make Sure to Get All the Roots

A portion of a weed root left in the ground is usually capable of producing a new plant in no time at all. This means that you worked hard to pull weeds and will have to do so again, sooner than you had planned. Use a special weeding tool to dig up pesky roots.

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3. Wear Gloves

Not only do gloves prevent your hands from turning green when you pull weeds, but they also protect you from the weeds themselves. A few plants have nasty barbs on them that can burrow into the skin and cause a lot of pain. Other weeds have noxious substances in them that you might be allergic to, such as the oil in poison ivy.

2. Don't Be Completely against Using Weed Killer

Multiple kinds of weed killers exist. You don’t have to invest only in the highly toxic chemicals used for zapping all kinds of weeds the moment the week killer touches them. There are organic and natural versions that are perfectly safe for vegetable gardens.

1. Prevention is Often the Key to Success

Laying down old newspapers around plants and between the rows will keep weeds from growing at all. A deep layer of pine mulch is another option for keeping weeds down. If you can eliminate the chance of weeds growing in the first place, then you won’t have to waste time on pulling them in the future.

Having a garden is a lot of work, without including the amount of time issued to weed pulling. I hope these weeding tips are helpful to you. Feel free to add any others you can think of. Some people enjoy pulling weeds, since it gives them time to think. Are you one of these individuals or do you loathe weed pulling?

Top image source: wendydunderart.com

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