Herbs for homemade remedies don’t have to be a pricey weekly purchase or something you have to drive around town to find! You can start growing herbs for homemade remedies as well as cooking experiments in your home, garden or balcony, too. It’s not as nearly as complicated or time consuming as it looks and will save you a bunch, allowing you to always have fresh, fragrant, home grown herbs! Sound like something you’d like to try? Well, here are a few easy-to-find and easy-to-grow herbs you can start your gardening experience with.
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1. Houseleek
Also known by its Latin name Sempervivum tectorum, as well as many others such as Jupiter’s Eye or Jove’s Beard, this stone crop is a part of many traditional herbal medicines around the world and one of the most popular herbs for homemade remedies of any kind. Its fleshy leaves are plucked, peeled and used similar to Aloe Vera, mostly to prevent the forming of cysts, to cure ear and eye infections, or as a relief for burn, abdominal and intestinal problems.
2. Chamomile
Chamomile’s soothing, anti-inflammation properties are well known– but did you know you can grow it in your garden or balcony, too? It does require plenty of sunshine (thus the suggestion to grow it outside), but can grow literally everywhere and doesn’t need any special treatment. Your home grown chamomile can be used dried or fresh and will help you soothe irritated or sensitive skin, treat eye infections and allergies and is a great natural relief for stress and menstrual cramps.
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3. Peppermint
This weed-like plant is a piece of cake to grow in a pot, doesn’t require a lot of light and is a fantastic thing to have around the house for both cooking and medicinal purposes. Chewing fresh mint leaves will help you deal with bad breath, but you can also make a tea to help you with stomach pains and relieve the symptoms of cold and flu.
4. Rosemary
Growing herbs for remedy doesn’t have to be a pain, and low-maintenance Rosemary definitely is a living proof! Place it in a well lit area, water it only when you notice the soil has dried out and it will live happily ever after, allowing you to enjoy its wonderful healing properties. Use it in hair and skin care to ensure gorgeous, healthy scalp, long hair and fresh skin, drink it as a tea if you’re nervous, sick, have a headache or a nervous stomach and don’t forget culinary experiments either!
5. Thyme
Looking for the next interesting herb for homemade remedies? How about thyme? This Mediterranean plant is used to growing in sunny, usually dry areas and, as such, won’t be a pain to grow yet will reward you with tons of interesting choices. You can infuse it in water to get a natural mouthwash, cure toenail fungus and even acne or brew it as a tea should you need an effective natural cure for cough or bronchitis.
6. Echinacea
Hope you have enough free space left in your garden because this plant certainly isn’t something you’d want to miss out on. It’s totally undemanding and pretty much grows on its own, although you will have to ensure good quality soil and pamper it just a bit in the beginning. Harvest the plants every year for immune-boosting teas but wait until the third year to use the roots, as this is the time they need to reach full potential.
7. Fennel
Bid your digestion problems farewell with the help of this interesting, easy-to-grow herb! Now would be the perfect time to consider it for your garden too, as it needs to be planted in early April. Once the plants are grown all you need to do is pick seeds, crush them and either add them to your food or brew and sip after each meal. Digestion problems will be gone before you know it and you’ll be able to enjoy your favorite foods much more, knowing that you have everything you need should discomfort appear again.
8. Aloe Vera
Can’t find Houseleek? Try Aloe Vera instead! All this succulent will ever need from you is enough warmth in winter months but will repay you in multiple ways, providing plenty of baby plants for the whole neighborhood and enough gel to heal all the burns, cuts, inflammations and bites you'll ever sustain. Use the clear gel you’ll find inside Aloe Vera’s thick leaves for homemade skin and hair care products too, and you’ll never have to pay big bucks for this magical ingredient again.
Have you ever tried growing herbs for remedy before and which of these plants are you tempted to take a chance with?
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