If you are looking for some new kinds of perennials, tips on growing watermelon, garlic, or luffa seeds, ideas for cool gardens, or information on how to grow vines, then here are 7 gardening blogs you must read. Each one is filled with lots of gardening tidbits that might be useful to you.
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7. 5 Cool Perennials
I enjoy planting perennials most of all because they come back every year and this means I don't have to replant some of my favorite flowers. I came across some very interesting perennials when I was searching through the gardening catalogs this winter. This blog lists 5 that I thought were the most intriguing.
6. 5 Tips on Growing Watermelon
My first attempt growing watermelon was a complete flop. I have since learned how to successfully grow a few varieties of watermelons. If you have also thought about growing some of these fabulous melons or need help having a successful watermelon crop, then you might be able to use the 5 tips in this blog.
5. 5 Cool Gardening Ideas
If you are looking for some creative methods for making your garden more unique, then you might like the 5 ideas I provided in this blog piece. From creating pictures using different colors of flowers to designing a garden that is specifically for kids or wildlife, you might find these gardening ideas to be something you can use in your own garden.
4. 5 Tips on Growing Luffa Seeds
I remember my parents always growing a fence row of luffa vines each summer. It was so exciting to see the gourds grow longer as summer came to an end. The best part was peeling the outer skin off of each gourd and drying the inside to use later on. We used luffas for scrubbing in the tub, getting grime off dishes, and for anything else that needed cleaning. The 5 tips listed in this blog will help you get started growing your own luffas for yourself or to give as presents.
3. 5 Tips on Growing Garlic
There is rarely a meal that is eaten in this household that doesn't include garlic. I think one of the best features of garlic is that it lasts for a very long time, when stored correctly. Using the 5 tips in this blog to grow your own garlic can prove to be a very rewarding experience. I like braiding the freshly harvested garlic bulbs together and hanging these aromatic braids in the pantry. They smell great and look fantastic hanging on the wall.
2. 5 Tips on Growing Eggplant
Eggplants not only look cool, but they taste great and are very nutritious. These beautiful purple fruits are very easy to grow, especially if you start out by reading the 5 tips on growing eggplants that I’ve listed in this blog. Who knows, you just might come to realize that you want to make eggplants a permanent crop in your garden.
1. 5 Tips on Growing Any Vine
I don't think vines are given enough credit. There are some truly amazing vines out there that seem to come up with creative ways to grow all on their own. Sure, you can give them a trellis or fence to climb, but they rarely grow where you intended. I like vines and I hope you get the chance to read these tips and grow a vining plant all on your own.
Out of these 7 gardening blogs you must read, I’m sure you’ll find something interesting that you can use or pass on to another avid gardener. Are there any certain topics you look for when perusing gardening blogs?
Top Photo Credit: castacant