5 Tips on Growing Rose Mallow ...

Aprille Mar 2, 2011

5 Tips on Growing Rose Mallow ...
5 Tips on Growing Rose Mallow ...

Gardeners often refer to any number of hibiscus plants simply as rose mallow. There are some who also lump in plants from the lavatera genus into the rose mallow category as well, but these are more commonly called tree mallows instead. Both the hibiscus and the lavatera genus contain plants that produce similar looking flowers. The 5 tips on growing rose mallow that are listed below pertain to the perennial hibiscus plant.

5. Soil Should Be Humus-rich and Well-draining

If you don’t have soil such as this there are a few actions you can take. One is to add sand to the soil to enable it to drain better. A second technique is to make up your own compost blend from dried leaves, grass clippings, or other organic material and mix it into the soil. Either of these methods will greatly improve your soil and make it more suitable for rose mallow plants.

4. Place in a Sunny Location to Avoid Leggy Plants

Too much shade will cause rose mallow plants to have a leggy appearance and they will also become more susceptible to the Hibiscus sawfly. The female of this species of insect lay eggs on rose mallow leaves and then the young eat the leaves once they hatch. This feeding frenzy usually takes place in July. You can handpick affected leaves or treat them with Conserve.

3. Water Often during Growing Season Only

When the rose mallow plant goes dormant for the winter, it should never be given extra water. This excess of water won’t be readily absorbed by the dormant plant, which raises the risk of your plant rotting ruing the winter. These plants do tolerate drought very well, due to their deep root system.

2. Space at Least 3 Feet Apart and Don’t Bury Too Deep when Planting

Having at least 3 feet of space in between each rose mallow plant will provide ample room for your perennial to thrive. The depth of each rose mallow plant shouldn’t be any more than 4 inches below the surface and no less than 2 inches. Topping your freshly placed plants with a couple inches of mulch will keep the weeds down and soil moisture preserved.

1. Remember That Hibiscus Plants Grow to Be Fairly Large

Place your rose mallow in a location where they will be an asset to your landscaping design, as opposed to a pain. Due to their large size, perennial rose mallows look excellent in the corner of a garden space or along the side of a house. Shorter plants can be planted in front of these without every blocking the view of your rose mallow when it blooms.

These 5 tips should help you maintain healthy and vibrant looking rose mallow plants. If you’ve already had great success in growing some of these plants, what tips would you suggest to others who want to raise rose mallow?

Top Photo Credit: dcd.49

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