I liked it when my kids wanted to go out to the garden with me. It also made me think more about how the garden was set up and ways that I could make it safe for the kids. If you have little ones that are interested in gardening or that you want to become interested in how to garden, then these 5 tips on growing a kid friendly garden should prove useful.
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5. Don’t Use Toxic Chemicals
Worrying that your child might accidentally come in contact with toxic pesticides can be eliminated by simply not using these noxious chemicals. Use organic pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers. Keeping your garden as natural as possible will not only keep your kids safe, but also any person or animal that comes into your gardening spot.
4. Make Sure There Aren’t Any Sharp Objects in the Garden
Little kids aren’t the most graceful beings. Coordination tends to come later in life, so be prepared for episodes of falling, tripping, or any other action that causes you child to end up face down in the dirt. Don’t use sharp sticks or pegs for markers, make sure barbed wire isn’t in an area where they will be hanging out, and keep an eye open for any other potentially hazardous items in the garden.
3. Grow at Least Some Plants That Kids Can Help Harvest
If you want your kids to get excited about helping with the garden, then you’ll have to let them harvest some of the plants they have been tending to. Make sure there are plants that can be harvested by tender little hands. Prickly plants or ones with scratchy leaves aren’t going to be fun for a child to help harvest. Cherry tomatoes are perfect for little hands to grasp. Beans are another crop that are easy for kids to pick all on their own.
2. Give Your Kids a Section of the Garden for Themselves
Let the kids plant a section of the garden in veggies or flowers of their choice. They can plant just a few things so that they don’t get overwhelmed with trying to care for them all. This will give them a sense of accomplishment. They will be able to plant the seeds, care for the plants, and then harvest their crops all on their own.
1. Provide Them with Tools They Can Actually Use
Gardening tools for adults are large, heavy, and cumbersome to a kid. Provide kids with small tools that little hands can easily grasp. There are lots of brightly colored plastic tools that even toddlers can use in the garden. Kids usually get excited about having their very own bunch of gardening tools.
These tips should help you start a kid friendly garden of your very own. I think it’s great when kids are excited about helping outside, whether it’s pulling weeds or harvesting the peas. How would you make your garden kid friendly?
Top Photo Credit: chris .p