5 Growing Tips for a Flowering Crab Tree ...

Aprille Jun 8, 2011

5 Growing Tips for a Flowering Crab Tree ...
5 Growing Tips for a Flowering Crab Tree ...

The following 5 growing tips for a flowering crab tree should come in handy if you’ve recently purchased one of these lovely trees. The deep pink flowers might not give off a wonderful fragrance that is exceptionally strong, but they are gorgeous nonetheless.

5. It Needs between 8 to 12 Hours of Sunlight

Direct sunlight is preferred for this length of time so the crab tree will be able to successfully produce plenty of flowers. Even though these trees don’t grow to be huge specimens, so it’s tempting to place them in an area under a much larger tree. This might not allow your crab tree to receive the appropriate amount of sunlight it needs.

4. Plant New Trees in a Hole 4 Times the Size of the Root Ball

Most trees purchased from a nursery have a good sized root ball on them. It’s important to give roots enough room to spread out as soon as possible. By planting the tree in a hole much larger than the root system you will have enough room to mix compost in with the dirt you are filling the hole in with. This will provide more nutrients for your new crab tree.

3. Layer Mulch around the Tree That is at Least 2 Inches Deep

The maximum depth of mulch should be around 4 inches. This thick layer of mulch will allow the tree to get water without competing with any weeds that may shoot up around its trunk.

2. Try to Eliminate as Many Stress Factors as Possible for Your Flowering Tree

Crab trees can actually become stressed by a lack of water or sunshine, too much water, physical damage to the roots or branches, and even from various insects. Monitor the health of your tree to make sure it isn’t becoming too stressed out by any of these environmental factors. When these trees become stressed, they often are unable to bloom properly if at all.

1. Check the Soil’s PH before Planting the Tree

Flowering Crab trees prefer soil with a pH between 5.0 and 6.5. If you need to lower the pH of your soil to make it more acidic for the tree, then you can add some sulfur to the soil. Mix in 12 ounces of rock sulfur with a square yard of dirt. You can also combine some sand and/or compost with the soil to make it better draining for your crab tree. Other additions that can be added to the soil for a more acidic pH include; wood chips, sawdust, peat moss, and cottonseed meal.

I hope these growing tips provide you with all the information you need to raise a happy and healthy crab tree. What made you choose to raise one of these lovely trees in the first place?

Top Photo Credit: chippewabear

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