I’ve always thought gardening to be a beneficial past time. There are at least 5 benefits of gardening I’ve listed below. I’m sure some of these will cause you to think of others that could easily be added to my list.
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5. Being Able to Share with Others
My garden tends to produce more than enough for my family. I like sharing with friends and neighbors. A lot of the time they end up sharing something with me as well. This gives us both the option to enjoy veggies we like without having to grow them all in our own gardens.
4. I’m Always Learning Something New
Every time I get a new seed catalog, there is a variety of plant that I’m unfamiliar with. I love learning about new types of veggies that are able to resist certain pests or survive in different kinds of climates. I end up researching new plants online and learning a lot about something new.
3. I Know Where My Family’s Food is Coming from
My family may not all enjoy every veggie that comes out of the garden, but those who do eat them don’t have to worry about tons of chemicals. I never know just how safe all the vegetables are in the grocery store, no matter where they come from.
2. I Get at Least Some Exercise
Some days I struggle to get outside, due to either a sleepless night or shear laziness. Raking, tilling, shoveling, and pulling weeds are all movements that get my blood pumping a bit faster than normal. I’d rather be sweating away in my garden than walking on a treadmill indoors!
1. It’s My Time to Relax
I love my family dearly, but there are always days when I need a chance to catch my breath. My gardens give me space to enjoy nature and have a peaceful moment all to myself.
Gardening has always been a part of my life. My parents always had a large garden and my grandmother still plants her beans and okra each summer. I hope I’m still managing my garden when I’m in my late 80s! What do you find beneficial about gardening?
Top Photo Credit: ianmichaelthomas