Gardening is fun to do. If you do not like gardening, then I do not know why you are on this blog. This blog will be packed full of stuff for the green thumb. Right now, I am going to give you 5 basic rules of gardening you should know.
Basic rule number one: You should make sure your plants have complete nutritional. Most of the plant foods and fertilizers you buy today do not have complete nutrition. If you can get some cow manure, then that makes great fertilizer for plants!
Basic rule number two: Make sure you do your research on each plant. It is important that you plant the plants in the right place in your yard. If they are sun loving plants, then you would place them where they can get plenty of sun. If they are shade loving plants, then you would plant them where they can get plenty of shade.
Basic rule number three: Don’t forget about the water! Again, you should do your research on the plants. Some plants require more water than others. If you over water or under water the plant, you will be doing harm.
Basic rule number four: It is important that you watch for plant diseases. Some spray their plants with Physan 20 to help them. Try serenading the plants when you see them wilting!
Basic rule number five: Girls and guys, you better start weeding! When you see weeds growing around your plants, it is important that you get down there and pull those weeds up.
There you have the 5 basic rules of gardening. Make sure they have enough sun/shade, water them, make sure they have nutrition, keep them disease free and of course, keep the area they are growing in weeded out. It’s really not all that hard.
Top Photo Credit: LHDumes
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