I’ve heard people say they didn’t have time to garden and this is ultimately why they decided to nix the idea of planting one in the first place. I personally find my gardens to be very therapeutic. I can think of at least 5 ways gardening relieves stress and I’ve posted them below. See what you think and if you can come up with some more of your own!
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5. Gives You Time to Think
I find it easy to till the garden, water the plants, hoe the weeds, or rake mulch into place while continuing to think about things that went on during the day. Sometimes I find myself off in my own little world. This is very relaxing since it takes my mind off of anything that might be bothering me.
4. It’s Quiet and Peaceful
I live in the woods, so it’s often rather peaceful at any time of the day. If there is a lot of hubbub going on in the house, I tend to wander quietly out to my garden and spend some time alone. The garden is generally one place where I’m not likely to be bothered with an onslaught of questions.
3. Sunshine is an Excellent Mood Booster
Too much sunshine is harmful, but a little bit has more benefits than you can imagine. Sunlight stimulates your appetite, improves your metabolism and digestion, as well as increases the number of endorphins and serotonin in the brain. Having plenty of serotonin and endorphins in your brain is necessary for a good mood.
2. Watching Your Plants Prosper Makes You Feel Good
Don’t you enjoy seeing your little seeds grow up to be thriving plants? I enjoy being able to share veggies with friends and family members after I’ve tended to my plants all summer long. Seeing the changes in the garden each day makes me happy, which always helps to alleviate stress.
1. It’s a Way to Get You to Be More Active
Being more active increases your metabolism which helps reduce the amount of stress you bottle up inside. Pull some weeds, dig a hole, or loosen the soil with a rake if you are in the mood to relieve stress with a little bit of exercise. I bet you’ll feel much better afterwards!
I hope you can use these methods for releasing some of the stress you’ve gathered during the day. I even small gardens are beneficial. What other aspects of gardening do you think reduces stress?
Top Photo Credit: paolo.benetti
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