5 Tips from a Real Gardener ...

Aprille Jun 13, 2011

5 Tips from a Real Gardener ...
5 Tips from a Real Gardener ...

I found a bunch of great tips online that are offered by people who have been gardening for decades. I’ve listed 5 tips from a real gardener resource for you to utilize also. I hope you find these as useful as I did! I love sharing new tips I find and maybe you’ll be able to share them with others as well.

5. Know Your Vine

It’s important to know what type of vine you are planting when choosing a location. Some vines will take over an area in a short amount of time, leaving you with a lifetime of either fighting it or cutting it back all the time. Be sure to plant a vine where it won’t cause problems with boundary lines, water lines, or your home’s structure.

4. Pruning Varies from Plant to Plant

Not all plants need to be pruned only in the spring; some actually have to be trimmed in the winter when they have gone dormant. You’ll need to read up on the particular plant you are going to be prune to make sure it’s the right time of year to be trimming it.

3. Garden Pests Don’t Have to Be Combated with Toxic Insecticides

There are a number of organic bug killers on today’s market offering gardeners a healthier choice for their pest control needs. Gardeners who engage in organic farming rely on insecticides that will take care of pests, but allow them to continue growing food crops in an organic manner. A mixture of dish soap and water seems to take care of many pest needs or lightly spritzing plants with rubbing alcohol measuring at least 70 percent.

2. Vegetable Crops Need to Be Thinned out to Ensure Proper Development

When planting vegetable seeds, most gardeners will place an extra one here and there in case one seed doesn’t germinate like it’s supposed to. Some seeds are simply too small to easily place one at a time. Once plants begin to germinate, the smaller plants should be thinned out to make room for the larger, hardier ones.

1. Don’t Be in a Rush when Setting Plants outside

Getting a head start on the growing season is important for many gardeners, but it can be especially vital to those living in colder climates. When plants are ready to be placed outdoors, be sure all chance of frost has been eliminated. Being in a hurry to get your plants into the ground can cause you to lose and entire crop with one last hard frost.

I’m sure you’ll find at least one of these tips will come in handy some time. Feel free to pass them on to others if you wish! What other tips do you think all beginning gardeners could use?

Top Photo Credit: Astrid.

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