5 Great Vegetables for a Small Garden ...

Aprille May 26, 2011

5 Great Vegetables for a Small Garden ...
5 Great Vegetables for a Small Garden ...

Having space for a huge garden isn’t possible for everyone. It doesn’t matter what size of yard you have, it’s possible to plant a garden in the smallest of spaces. The following list includes 5 great vegetables for a small garden. The best part is that each of the veggies listed below can also be grown in 5-gallon buckets if need be.

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5. Pole Beans

Plant 2 or 3 beans and provide something for the vine to climb up and you’ll have plenty of beans to eat. These plants don’t need a lot of room to grow, just somewhere to climb upwards. You will definitely get more from a single pole bean plant than from one bush bean plant in the same amount of space.

4. Brussels Sprouts

Not everyone likes the taste of these tiny cabbage-looking veggies, but they are perfect for growing in a tiny garden space. These plants grow upward and produce sprouts all along the length of the stem.

3. Cherry Tomatoes

Plants which produce large tomatoes can become rather large and take up lots of room. If you are looking for a small amount of tomatoes that come from a relatively compact plant, then cherry tomato plants might be just right for you.

2. Potatoes

Have you ever grown potatoes in a pile of old tires? This eliminates a lot of the horizontal space required to grow potatoes and harvesting involves a swift kick to the pile of tires and –Ta-da! – you have potatoes.

1. Garlic

One bulb of garlic goes a long way, so planting a few cloves in a tiny section of your garden should provide you with all the garlic you need. When the first batch of garlic has finished, you can easily place a few new cloves in the same area where the first bulbs were harvested, in order to start on your next round of garlic.

Do you think any of these 5 veggies would work well in the small garden space you have?

Top Photo Credit: glitzypursegirl

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