9 Easiest Plants to Grow in Your Garden ...

Mishka Apr 22, 2011

9 Easiest Plants to Grow in Your Garden ...
9 Easiest Plants to Grow in Your Garden ...

Gardening is an interesting pastime, one that literally bears fruit and flower even as you tend your plants with tender loving care. Whether you have a huge mansion or a tiny cubby-hole of an apartment, there’s always space to grow some greens. Most people dismiss gardening as something that requires a lot of effort and back breaking hard work. That may be so, but there are several plants out there in Mother Nature’s bower that won’t give you so much pain. Here’s a list of the nine easiest plants to grow in your garden. Even the laziest green thumb will be able to cultivate a thriving green patch with the help of these.

1. Daylilies, 'Stella De Oro'

Daylilies – the cheerful and summery yellow flowers are rugged and highly adaptable in nature. Of the several varieties available in the market, choose the 'Stella de Oro' daylily. They’ll spring up in absolutely no time.

2. Hosta

Everybody loves this cute little shade tolerant plant. Beginners are especially drawn to hosta because it is one of the easiest plants to grow in your garden. There are several varieties of hosta ranging from the simple green ones to the ones that have a splash of pale yellow in them.

2. Black-Eyed Susan

Not only is it a plant with a really adorable name, it’s also one of those things you put into the soil and forget all about. It repels pests easily, is extremely hardy, and resilient to a number of diseases - definitely a delight to work with!

4. Blanket Flower

Any garden gets a vibrant facelift with the blanket flower – a hardy, fast growing, perennial that grows freely throughout the U.S. They need only occasional watering and the brilliant red and scarlet blooms are indeed a sight for sore eyes. If that doesn't make them one of the easiest plants to grow in your garden, I don't know what does.

5. Strawberry

And you thought strawberries were difficult to grow. Well, they are in fact, but the ‘Surecrop’ variety of strawberries ensures you have sweet, juicy berries for breakfast for a long, long time. If the USDA is so confident about its qualities, I don’t see why it shouldn’t be on my list of easiest plants to grow in your garden.

7. Rose 'Felicia'

I know what you are thinking. Roses are high maintenance plants. I agree with you. But the pillar variety of Felicia rose will not disappoint you. In fact, it’s considered one of the best roses in its group. Felicia is a strong and shapely flower with a strong fragrance. It retains its shape well and makes for an excellent cut flower. Although its yield is more generous when planted into the ground, the Felicia does well in large containers as well.

6. Yarrow

Yarrow plants are generally popular as border plantings. They are drought and heat tolerant and their feathery, fern-like foliage adds an interesting look to any landscape. The Paprika yarrow is especially popular owing to its spicy red color, which fades to a salmon and then finally to cream. Watch your garden change color in front of your eyes.

8. Stonecrop

Stonecrop is yet another plant which is easy to grow in your garden. Not only is it an excellent garden plant, it also does well in rock gardens. It yields pinkish red flowers that turn dark red when the weather becomes cooler.

9. Lamb's Ears

Lamb's Ears are popular among adults and children alike owing to the texture of their leaves. Kids love their furry texture while adults go gaga over their velvety feel. This hardy silver gray-green plant makes for a nice edge for your perennial beds also.

Don’t you just love it when your garden bursts forth in a dazzling display of color? What a lovely sight to greet your eyes first thing in the morning. And even lovelier because you haven’t toiled too hard to make them yield so beautifully! Well, that’s the magic of choosing from these 9 easiest plants to grow in your garden. Do you have any more of your own to add to this list?

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