5 Common Plant Diseases in Your Garden ...

Aprille Jun 24, 2011

5 Common Plant Diseases in Your Garden ...
5 Common Plant Diseases in Your Garden ...

It’s disheartening to go through all the work of raising a garden and then have it fall to disease. Some gardeners can place plants in the ground and then never have to worry about them again. I’ve listed 5 common plant diseases in your garden you might want to be aware of. Ignorance isn’t always bliss! The information below will help you identify signs of common diseases affecting a number of plant types.

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5. Septoria Leaf Spot on Tomatoes

This disease will attack both young and old tomato plants. Dark brown circles with gray centers can be seen on the underside of affected plants. They eventually spread until the entire leaf is covered and killed. Common fungicides used to control Septoria leaf spot include chlorothalonil, maneb, benomyl, and mancozeb. It’s best to begin spraying tomato plants with a fungicide at the beginning of July to ward off any Septoria leaf spot.

4. Early Blight on Potato Plants

Although this type of disease is called ‘early’ blight, it actually doesn’t appear until late in the summer. Dark brown spots begin to appear on the lower leaves of the potato plant. Eventually a target-shaped spot appears as the leaf tissue dies. If not stopped, early blight can affect the potatoes themselves as well. Fungicidal sprays can be used early in the season before any chance of blight occurs.

3. Hollyhock Plant Rust

Signs of this disease include yellow spots on the top portion of leaves and brownish orange spots on the underside. Rust on hollyhock plants increases during the summer and by fall the entire plant is generally affected. Picking off the affected leaves and discarding them is the first step in treating this disease. Once the diseased leaves have been removed the plant should be treated with a fungicide.

2. Black Spot on Roses

Defoliation occurs once this disease is in full force. Black spots appear on top of yellowing leaves before the leaves begin to fall off the plant. Affected leaves should be cut off and discarded before a fungicide can be applied to the rose plant. Be sure to check leaves again before winter sets in. The fungus that causes Black Spot is able to survive the winter weather and will come back again in the spring if not gotten rid of before then.

1. Powdery Mildew

This disease doesn’t affect only one type of plant. It can damage anything from phlox to cucumbers. Powdery mildew isn’t picky about the climate it appears in either. Plants grown in warm, dry climates are just as prone to being afflicted with powdery mildew as those raised in humid areas of the world. Maintaining good air circulation around plants and monitoring them regularly is the best way to make sure this disease doesn’t kill off your flowers and veggies.

I hope these descriptions give you enough information on various diseases you should be on the lookout for. What other types of disease have you noticed on plants in your garden?

Top Photo Credit: Thursd@y

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