5 Tips on Your Backyard Garden ...


5 Tips on Your Backyard Garden ...
5 Tips on Your Backyard Garden ...

Having a garden in the backyard gives me a place to go and relax. It doesn’t matter if I’m sitting in a lawn chair in the middle of the tomato plants or rooting around in the dirt to unearth random rocks that appear after a rain storm; it’s a nice place to hang out. Here are 5 tips on your backyard garden that might help you to create a relaxing place for yourself.

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5. Enjoy Yourself

Gardens can be functional and relaxing at the same time. Make it a pleasant place to go. Adding mulch will cut down on the amount of time you have to pull weeds, which is always a plus. The more time you can spend in your garden without actually having to do lots of strenuous tasks, the more you will enjoy the area you’ve created.

4. Get Creative with It

There’s nothing more relaxing than putting in a bit of creative time into your garden space. For example, add a small fountain, install some mood lighting, or pipe some music out to the garden area. Who says gardens have to be strictly plants?

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3. Create a Space That is Easily Accessible

Trying to make a garden area in a small space can be a challenge. You can still make a small garden and not have to climb over lawn furniture to get to it. Make your space accessible and clear of obstacles, such as trees, boulders, lawn ornaments, etc.

2. Don’t save All the Gardening for One Day

By waiting until the weekend to try and squeeze all your gardening in, it makes tending to the garden seem a lot more like work. I find that spending a 10 to 20 minutes in my garden each day gives me a chance to leisurely tend to things and it is much more relaxing. I know this amount of time will depend on the size of your garden as well.

1. Plant Lots of Bright Colored Flowers

I even have flowers around my vegetable garden. Zinnias are perfect for adding color and they tend to attract a lot of butterflies. They are also very easy to grow. All I do is sprinkle the seeds onto the soil and cover them with about a quarter inch of dirt. Water them regularly and you’ll have tons of zinnias in no time at all.

I’m sure you’ve thought of some of these tips before, but maybe you will be inspired to find time to do them. I enjoy my garden to the fullest, especially on days when the weather isn’t too hot. It’s hard to imagine it not being back there. Do you have a backyard garden filled with flowers or veggies? Are you able to relax in your garden space or is it more of a chore for you?

Top Photo Credit: Don3rdSE

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