5 Tips on Starting Seeds inside ...

Aprille Apr 6, 2011

5 Tips on Starting Seeds inside ...
5 Tips on Starting Seeds inside ...

I used to find that the hardest part of gardening was getting my seeds off to a good start. Planting them in the ground is one thing, but getting them to start successfully indoors can be tricky. It can be difficult to recreate the out of doors for your little seeds. Here are 5 tips on starting seeds inside that might help you out this spring.

5. Gather All Your Supplies before Beginning with the Planting

Chances are, if you are starting seeds indoors, you’ll need pots and soil to place your seeds into. It’s best to have all the pots accounted for and set up with soil in them before you start planting. Be sure to have an area where the seedlings won’t be disturbed or destroyed by pets.

4. Make Sure You Have Adequate Lighting for the Seeds

The hardest part of starting seeds indoors is having the right amount of light for them to grow properly. Not enough light will cause them to become spindly and remain pale as they sprout. If you are growing more seeds than you have window space, you might need to invest in some grow lights.

3. Keep the Seeds Warm

Heated mats for placing underneath seed trays can be quite expensive. As long as you are able to keep the room at a constant temperature of at least 70 degrees, the seeds should sprout in the appropriate amount of time. A small space heater or heat lamps might be necessary.

2. Water Enough to Keep Soil Moist

Seedlings can become pinched by the soil when it expands and contracts around them. Being able to keep the soil constantly moist can be achieved by pouring some vermiculite on top of the newly planted seed. This will prevent the soil from drying out too quickly.

1. Don’t Try to Set Seeds Outdoors Too Soon

It’s easy to be fooled by a false sense of spring. Wait until all signs of frost have disappeared. If you are concerned about your new seedlings after they are placed outside, cover each one with an empty milk jug that has had the bottom removed. This will create a mini greenhouse for your delicate seedlings.

I hope these tips prove useful if you decide to start some seeds indoors this year. Do you normally stick to plants that are placed directly outside, instead of starting seeds inside the house?

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