5 Tips on Starting Seeds Indoors ...

Aprille Mar 27, 2011

5 Tips on Starting Seeds Indoors ...
5 Tips on Starting Seeds Indoors ...

Starting your own seeds can be a more cost effective way to begin gathering plants for your garden. It can be difficult to get some seeds to begin growing, but the 5 tips on starting seeds indoors might help you be more successful in your seed sprouting venture.

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5. Water with Care

It's easy to over water newly planted seeds. You don't want to flood the poor things and leave them standing in water to rot, but you don't want to underwater them either. Using a pipette to water each seed will allow you to provide an adequate amount of water without washing the seed right out of the container.

4. Provide Plenty of Steady Light

Most people start seeds indoors well before it's warm enough for plants to be placed outside. This means you will need to have enough light for your seeds that either comes from a window or supply your new seeds with artificial lighting. Buying an artificial light source is often the best way to have steady light most of the day.

3. Read Instructions on Seed Packets before Planting

You'll want to make note of the germination time on your seeds. If you start them too early, you'll end up having to find places for large plants until it's warm enough to place them outside. On the other hand, if some seeds aren't started soon enough, they don't have the proper length of time to mature outdoors before the cool fall weather sets in.

2. Don't Plant Seeds to Deep or Too Close Together

Tiny seeds are usually placed just under the surface of the soil. Larger seeds are often planted at a depth that is two times the length of the seed. Most seed packets come with proper numbers for the actual depth each seed should be placed. If seeds begin to sprout too close together, most gardeners will thin out the weaker plants and allow the larger ones to continue growing.

1. Don't Be in a Rush to Put Newly Started Seeds Outdoors

The weather might feel nice to you some days, but seeds need lots of warmth to germinate properly. Wait until your seeds have fully sprouted and grown to be the correct size of plant before placing them outside.

These tips should help you with any type of seeds you are thinking about planting. Thankfully seed companies provide lots of useful information on each seed packet. What types of seeds have you tried starting indoors before?

Top Photo Credit: Pictoscribe

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