Azaleas supply a multitude of color to any garden or yard. I love seeing the bright pink blossoms on the neighbor’s plants along their driveway. It’s amazing at how even the smallest Azalea bush will bloom. The 5 tips on growing a healthy Azalea bush are listed below. They are surprisingly easy to take care of, which is something I look for in a plant.
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5. Plant in a Lightly Shaded Area
Azaleas don’t enjoy basking in the midday sun like a cactus does. They prefer to be planted under the shade of a tree where they can absorb the morning or evening sun while avoiding the hotter times of the day.
4. Mulch with Pine Needles
A location with acidic soil is best for Azaleas and pine needles are perfect for increasing the acidity of the soil’s pH. These can be purchased from garden supply places and nurseries for very little cost. Mulch also helps to keep the weeds from popping up and taking nutrients that should otherwise be going to your Azalea bush.
3. Prune in the Springtime
If you want Azaleas that are bushy, pinch back the tops of young plants. This will cause them to grow more outward instead of upward. Don’t prune too much at once, otherwise you’ll cause the bush to not bloom for a couple of years.
2. Cover during the Winter Where Weather is Harsh
Extreme cold and harsh winds are common during the winter time in many regions. There are different varieties of Azaleas, some more tolerant to cold than others. If you aren’t able to find one suitable for your region, then be sure to cover your Azalea bush with a burlap bag to prevent ice and wind damage.
1. Compost is Better than Fertilizer for Azalea Bushes
There isn’t any need to supply an Azalea with special fertilizer. A combination of organic mulch and humus are all that these beautiful bushes need to grow and get all the necessary nutrients.
It’s hard to have just one Azalea bush, especially with the variety of colors available. I hope these tips are helpful to you and your plant is growing successfully. What do you like best about Azalea bushes? What made you decide to plant one in your yard?
Top Photo Credit: heurtoirfan