5 Tips on Caring for Fish in the Garden ...

Aprille Aug 25, 2010

5 Tips on Caring for Fish in the Garden ...
5 Tips on Caring for Fish in the Garden ...

Having a pond in the middle of your garden creates a special atmosphere. I find it more relaxing to hear the trickle of a water fountain and to be able to watch the fish swim around. If you are thinking about adding a fish pond to your garden, then you might want to take a look at the 5 tips on caring for fish in the garden I have provided below.

5. Check on the Fish Often

You’ll want to make sure that none of the fish are sick and that they are all eating properly. One sick fish can easily pass something on to the others. It’s best to remove the sick fish as soon as he is noticed. This will allow you to treat him and the rest of the fish separately, as well as avoid a chain reaction of sick fish.

4. Aeration is Important

Pumps that provide aeration are usually attached to the filtration system. Most pond kits for gardens have all the necessary equipment for an excellent fish pond. Waterfalls offer aeration of the water as well and can be very relaxing.

3. Provide Clean Water

Ponds may seem extremely scummy and dark, but the fish that live in these prefer it that way. However, a garden pond with Koi or goldfish in it shouldn’t get all dark and dank. A filtration system should be in place and the water needs to be freshened up from time to time. This is done by removing two-thirds of the water and replacing it with fresh water.

2. Feed Them Properly

Even though fish enjoy nibbling on the occasional bread crumbs, they need a more balanced diet than this. Garden centers and animal supply stores sell many types of fish food. Selecting the proper type of food for your outdoor fish will ensure them a long, healthy life.

1. Don’t Let the Water Freeze

It is possible to keep fish alive all winter long. Some people add a pond to their garden because they are worried about the water freezing and don’t know what to do with their fish. Heaters are available in many sizes and can easily be added to an existing pond.

Fish are such graceful creatures. I can’t think of anything more soothing than watching them swim about in a garden pond. Do you have a fish pond in your garden? What do you like most about it?

Top Photo Credit: wishymom (Stephanie Wallace Photography)

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