5 Seeds You Have to Plant ...

Aprille Apr 11, 2011

5 Seeds You Have to Plant ...
5 Seeds You Have to Plant ...

I’m always perusing the seed catalogs in hopes that my mind will be taken off of the cold weather at hand. Thankfully the days are getting longer and warmer and I have a great selection of seeds that I’ve chosen for my garden this year. Here are 5 seeds you have to plant, if you get the chance. I came across them in my seed catalog and wrote them on my list right away!

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5. Blanket Flower Arizona

I love having a constant bouquet of flowers on the kitchen window sill. It’s possible to have fresh cut flowers all summer long with these plants. This plant is a perennial and it actually flowers during the first season the seeds are sown. The Blanket Flower Arizona comes in shades of red or orange.

4. Blushing Susie Vine

I don’t generally like purchasing seeds or plants that are annuals, but these flowers are just too cute to pass up. The vines grow to be between 5 to 8 feet tall and blooms for about 6 months. This particular Black-eyed Susan vine produces flowers in shades of pink, red, and salmon.

3. English Daisy

These flowers don’t look anything like a daisy, in my opinion. However, they do remind me of an aster. The blossoms on the English Daisy plant are white with magenta tips. They are a gorgeous addition to place in a bouquet of wild flowers.

2. Pumpkin on a Stick

If you are looking for something truly unique, then this is the plant for you! This plant produces fruit that are eggplants that look like miniature pumpkins. I have no idea how this crazy plant was created, but it is amazing. The fruits cannot be eaten, but they can be used to create excellent accents in an autumn table piece.

1. Yellow-eyed Grass

This perennial makes an excellent addition to garden or yard areas with poor soil. It looks just like a patch of bright green grass, except for the tiny yellow star-shaped blooms that appear during the summer time. They are such sweet little flowers!

The list of 5 flowers I’ve posted above should give you at least a few ideas for some new seeds to try this year. Do you try new seeds often or do you tend to stick to ones you’ve grown in the past?

Top Photo Credit: flipdingo

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