5 Plants to Grow in Pots ...


5 Plants to Grow in Pots ...
5 Plants to Grow in Pots ...

Many years ago, I didn’t live in an area where I could plant a garden, due to city rules. Of course, there are always ways around those kinds of rules and you don’t have to break the law to do so! Experiments with growing plants in containers have been performed with much success. Tomatoes are a common plant used, so I will give you a different set of 5 plants to grow in pots.

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5. Eggplant

Use a 5 gallon bucket if you want to grow eggplant in a container. They are a rather large plant, so they need plenty of soil. The purple flowers and fruit also make for an eye-catching display on a patio or front porch.

4. Luffas

A wire tomato cage actually fits perfectly inside a 5 gallon bucket. I’ve filled a bucket three-fourths of the way full with compost and soil, then planted 5 or 6 luffa seeds in the bucket. Once the vines being to emerge, they can climb right up the tomato cage.

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3. Lime Tree

Dwarf citrus trees actually make fantastic container plants. If you feel they are getting too tall in the container, you can shape them up without killing them. Growing citrus trees in a pot also allows you to move the tree indoors easily if you live in an area where winters are harsh.

2. Hot Peppers

These colorful little peppers look great in a container. I’ve planted a couple of bushes in decorative pots and placed them on either side of the garden gate. They add so much color to a garden. I don’t eat hot peppers, but I still like the way the spruce up the garden a bit with their red, orange, and yellow tinge.

1. Sweet Potatoes

I think this is my favorite plant to grow in a container. I get a 5 gallon bucket and dump in about a foot of dirt. When vines and leaves begin to appear, I put down more dirt. I keep doing this until the vines and leaves are up to the top of the bucket. By fall, I have a bucketful of sweet potatoes. I also think the vines are very pleasant to look at.

If you have a few extra seeds of a particular plant, then why not try growing them in a container and seeing what happens? You just might be surprised at how well your plants do. I initially tried growing sweet potatoes in a bucket because I had a single potato that began sprouting in the pantry. Have you already experimented with growing plants in pots yet?

Top Photo Credit: cawarfel

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