5 Cool Ideas for the Garden ...

Aprille Apr 11, 2011

5 Cool Ideas for the Garden ...
5 Cool Ideas for the Garden ...

If you feel the need to spruce up your garden a bit or are just bored with how your garden looks now, then take a look at the 5 cool ideas for the garden that I’ve listed below. You just might come across something that is useful for your garden dilemma.

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5. Grow Plants That Are Native to Your Areas

The best part about choosing to grow plants that are native to your area is that you can rest assured that they will do well. It’s rare for native plants to die off right after being planted. They tend to do well for years to come.

4. Frame the Garden in Vines

There are so many types of flowering vines that I find it difficult to choose between them all. I figured that the way to eliminate the need to choose would be to pick out multiple vines to grow on fences and trellises around my garden. You can create walls that are in bloom all summer long.

3. Make a Pattern with Stepping Stones

All sorts of materials are used for making stepping stones to place in a garden. I like the more natural stone, as opposed to plain blocks of concrete. Create a checkered pattern in the yard using stones and low-growing ground cover plants. Using ground cover plants between the stones means you’ll be able to walk over the whole yard without worrying about killing these tough little plants.

2. Use Brightly Colored Bottles to Line Walkways

I prefer the bright blue glass bottles that water comes in, but I have collected a few blue wine bottles from the bar in town too. The bartender is more than willing to give me his empty bottles. It saves him the trouble of having to get rid of them himself. Take an empty glass bottle and stick it into the ground; neck first. Push the bottle down into the dirt as deep as you want. The result will be a walkway lined with bright blue bottle ends. Put some yard lights behind these and the bottles will give off a gorgeous blue light at night.

1. Create a Water-filled Trench around the Garden for Water-loving Plants to Grow

I love bamboo, but I know it prefers very moist soil to grow in. If you also like bamboo and would like to make a fence or just a single wall in your garden with this fast-growing plant, then you’ll need an area of dirt that is constantly moist. Dig a trench and line it with plastic. You can then place dirt in the plastic-lined trench and place bamboo in the soil. The plastic will help to keep the water from leaking out, so the bamboo will have plenty of water to grow properly.

Do any of these ideas sound like something you’d like to try in your garden? Feel free to share your comments on what your own ideas are for your garden space.

Top Photo Credit: ahp_ibanez

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