For the most part, taking care of an indoor tree isn't very difficult since they require many of the same things that an outdoor tree needs. The 5 tips on caring for an indoor tree that are listed below can be used for most types of trees. There may need to be some minor adjustments made for certain kinds of trees, so be sure to check the care instructions which came with your newly purchased tree.
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5. Remove Dead Leaves Whenever They Appear
The tree will drop dead leaves on the ground and in the container it's growing in. It's best to keep the tree free of dead leaves. Removing dead leaves enhances the tree's appearance and keeps the leaves from accumulating in the container. If leaves are allowed to pile up around the base of the tree trunk, mold might set in as the leaves hold in moisture.
4. Keep an Eye Open for Pests
An indoor tree can be affected by pests as much as an outdoor tree can. The pests that attack a tree can easily jump to other houseplants and cause an infestation throughout your entire collection of plants. Get rid of pests as soon as they appear.
3. Provide Enough Light
Just like with small houseplants, indoor trees need plenty of sunlight. If you don't have a large window the tree can be placed next to, you might want to invest in some form of artificial lighting.
2. Add Fertilizer in the Spring
Springtime is the best time of year to fertilize most plants. This is when they start growing at a faster rate. The type of fertilizer you use on your indoor tree will depend on the kind of tree you have. Citrus trees use a specific formula of fertilizer, while flowering plants will require a different formula than most other trees.
1. Check the Moisture Level of the Soil Often
Trees grown in containers tend to dry out much quicker than those planted outside. This means you'll need to check often to see how moist the soil is. Remember the sun isn't as intense in the house, so molding or root rot could be an issue if over-watering occurs.
These tips should at least get you started with taking care of your indoor tree. You'll need to use your own judgment and make adjustments according to the temperature of your home, the type of tree you have, and what kind of soil you've used for your tree. Do you know of any additional tips about taking care of an indoor tree that others could use?
Top Photo Credit: Christie B