5 Flowers Perfect for Pressing ...

Aprille Jun 24, 2011

5 Flowers Perfect for Pressing ...
5 Flowers Perfect for Pressing ...

When I was a child, my mother and I would spend hours walking through the woods and along the backroads in search of wildflowers to press. We’d carry a thick book with us and some wax paper as we hunted for dainty blooms. Some flowers are better for pressing than others, not only because they are easier to smash between the pages of a book, but also due to their ability to hold onto their color. Here are 5 flowers perfect for pressing and not all have to be hunted down in the woods!

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5. Daisies

The white petals of a daisy will generally remain bright even after the flower dries. Daisies can be found along roadsides, in an empty field, and they grow easily in most types of soil from seeds purchased at a store. Due to the relatively flat shape to the flower, daisies are able to be pressed with ease.

4. Bleeding Hearts

I love the way flowers from bleeding heart plants look when pressed. It’s almost as if the delicate heart-shaped blooms have been frozen in time. The bright pink flowers tend to hold their color even after they have dried completely.

3. Buttercups

Wild buttercups have such thin petals that they can be pressed between the pages of a small book without difficulty. The delicate petals lay rather flat, so you don’t generally have to wrestle with the flower to get it nice and flat on the pages where it will remain until it dries. The bright yellow tint of the petals stays quite well after drying is complete too.

2. Miniature Daffodils

Even though these have to be pressed at more of a side angle than straight on, I think daffodils look great when pressed and dried. The center of a daffodil is rather thick, so I’ve only had success pressing the miniature versions of these lovely flowers.

1. Violets

These were some of the first flowers I learned to press when I was a kid. My grandmother’s front lawn is filled with an assortment of wild violets, which provided me with plenty of flowers to practice on. They hold their color and even the details of each petal can be seen after they have dried.

If you’ve never pressed flowers before, I highly recommend it. Some flowers tend to stick to the pages of the book they are pressed in. You might place the flower between a couple of pieces of wax paper before setting it inside the book in order to keep the flower from sticking. Pressed flowers can be used for decorating greeting cards or laminated to create bookmarks. What types of flowers have you tried to press?

Top Photo Credit: Ginther

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