5 Excellent Flower Choices for Hanging Baskets ...

Aprille May 24, 2011

5 Excellent Flower Choices for Hanging Baskets ...
5 Excellent Flower Choices for Hanging Baskets ...

I think hanging baskets are an excellent way to decorate the front porch or a section of the yard where putting in a garden is an impossible feat. Some plants are better suited for a hanging basket then others. Here are 5 excellent flower choices for hanging baskets, no matter where you decide to hang them.

5. Lobelia Fountain Blue

Bright blue flowers cascade along a slender stem in masses. These plants are lush and low growing. They bloom from summer until fall and look great by themselves or mixed with other types of cascading plants.

4. Melampodium Melanie

This plant has a lot less foliage than other melampodiums and tons more blooms. The golden flowers emerging on this plant appear in late spring and continue to bloom until the beginning of fall. It won’t outgrow the hanging basket you put it into, so it will always look nice and neat.

3. Pentas New Look

The star-shaped clusters on these plants range from light pink to dark red. They not only do very well in a hanging basket arrangement, but they also make excellent houseplants. Provide them with plenty of bright light and you’ll have blooms all summer long and even into the fall.

2. Petunia

Most gardeners know what an excellent hanging basket plant the petunia makes. They are available in an assortment of colors and require very little care. As long as you continue to monitor the moisture of the soil and remove any spent blooms as soon as you see them, you’ll have a gorgeous hanging basket filled with some of the most beautiful petunias around.

1. Morning Glory

The flowers of the morning glory plant are very similar to the petunia, but they are a bit smaller in size. The heart-shaped leaves make an attractive backdrop for the blue, purple, pink, or magenta hues displayed by the blooms.

I hope this list gives you some ideas on what plants work well in a hanging basket. What types do you prefer to make a hanging basket arrangement with?

Top Photo Credit: sclarke_pix

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