5 Tricks to Keeping Your Garden Healthy ...

Aprille Aug 29, 2010

5 Tricks to Keeping Your Garden Healthy ...
5 Tricks to Keeping Your Garden Healthy ...

I am going to give you 5 tricks to keeping your garden healthy. So, if you care about the plants in your garden, you should definitely read this blog. Feel free to leave your comment in the end, after you have read it.

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5. Go Organic

When you have a garden, you should consider going organic. There are many techniques to going organic and it isn’t as hard as you think it is.

4. Try Hydroponics

When you try hydroponics, you know your garden will be healthy! You will not have to worry about the diseases in the soil and you will know the plants are getting the right amount of nutrients.

3. Use Fertilizer

You should definitely use fertilizer. Some like to use cow feces as fertilizer and I will admit, this makes good fertilizer and my plants always grew when I put cow feces on them. Getting it was another story – but I believe they sell it in stores.

2. Keep the Bugs off

Do you know something? Your plants would be a lot better if you kept the bugs off of them. I know this is hard at times, but there are methods you can use to keep the bugs off of them. I have written some blogs, which you should find on this blog site that tell you how to keep bugs off of your plants.

1. Prevent Weeds from Growing in Your Garden

You should prevent weeds and grass from growing in your garden. They will not do any good for your garden. They grow faster and will take food away from the plants that you care about.

There you have 5 tricks to keeping your garden healthy. Keeping your garden healthy isn’t as hard as it takes. It just involves a little bit of work. Do you have any other advice?

Top Photo Credit: together8 ~~ slowly ~~

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