The beauty of a garden is that you can start one no matter where you live. People in the city have gardens on their balconies. Apartment-dwellers rely on window space to grow plants. There seems to be no limits when it comes to gardening. Here are 5 tips on starting a garden wherever you live. You might not be able to utilize all of these tips, but hopefully some will get you started.
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5. Locate Your Light Source
Window light, sources of artificial light, or good old sunshine are your three choices. You’ll have to adjust how you use these light sources to coincide with your planting techniques, so figure out which light source you are going to be using.
4. Have an Adequate Amount of Soil
Placing a garden outdoors usually means you don’t need to find soil, since it’s already there. However, sometimes the soil isn’t viable and a raised bed needs to be made. If you are starting and indoor garden, then you’ll need to have the proper containers to hold enough dirt for the types of plants you want to grow.
3. Don’t Forget to Have Basic Gardening Tools
The tiniest gardening implements can greatly benefit even the smallest garden. A hand trowel is a must for any gardener. It beats using a kitchen spoon to shovel dirt. Outside gardens usually require a rake, hoe, and a spade as well. These larger gardening tools come in handy when it’s time to fight weeds.
2. Supply the Proper Amount of Water
I find that adding some water crystals to the soil in container plants helps to keep the dirt from drying out so fast. You can purchase water-absorbing crystals from a craft store or at a garden supply place. Investing in a watering can and/or an adequate length of garden hose will help make watering your plants much easier.
1. Fertilize when Necessary
Container plants tend to need more fertilizing than plants placed outside, since the dirt purchased for containers often doesn’t have the same amount of rich nutrients that can be added to an outside garden. Compost helps boost the nutrient value in soil, but regular fertilizing will improve your plants even more. Special types of fertilizers for all kinds of plants exist. Make sure you buy the right one.
These 5 tips have helped me in the past and I hope they get you pointed in the right direction as well. Gardening is a blast! Do you find these tips to be helpful?
Top Photo Credit: arkworld