5 Tips on Caring for a Rose Bush ...


5 Tips on Caring for a Rose Bush ...
5 Tips on Caring for a Rose Bush ...

I grew up watching the rose bushes below the kitchen window burst into bloom each year. Every time they bloomed there seemed to be twice as many blossoms as the year before. I love all the colors roses come in as well. If you have these flowers in your yard, then the 5 tips on caring for a rose bush that are listed below might be useful.

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5. Winter Protection

If you live in a climate that has long, harsh winters, you might need to invest in covering for your rose bushes. Covers made from fleece or burlap are available. These protect the bushes from hail, heavy snow, ice, and even browsing deer that are looking for a winter snack.

4. Watering

Rose bushes take about two years to become well-established plants. This calls for deep watering on a regular basis. After they have deep roots, rose bushes won’t need watered nearly as much. They tend to get all the water necessary for life from rainfall.

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3. Fertilization

Due to the amazing amount of energy rose bushes put into producing blooms, having enough food to do so is important. Specific food for roses is available and composted manure can be added twice a year as well.

2. Disease and Pests

Fungal disease has been known to plague the occasional rose bush. Japanese beetles are a common insect that attacks rose bushes. Planting garlic, geraniums, or catnip next to your roses will repel these little critters. As for the fungus, there are plenty of preventative sprays available at garden nurseries.

1. Ongoing Maintenance

Deadheading, removing suckers, and cutting off the dead limbs will enable your rose bush to look its best. The suckers should be removed to allow nutrients to travel to the larger branches, making the bush stronger. Deadheading and trimming dead limbs keep the bush looking nice overall.

Even if you are merely thinking of getting a rose bush, these tips offer some great information about rose bushes in general. People often think roses are difficult to care for. Some varieties take a bit more care than others, but anyone can do it. What type of roses do you prefer? Is there a certain kind that has always been in your family?

Top Photo Credit: ღ .. Moushą .. ღ

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