Have thought about how easy care plants for your dorm room can brighten things up a little in a simple way?
When you move away to college, it can sometimes be the case that you don’t know what to do with your dorm room to make it feel more like home. You might not have even thought about it, but something that will probably have been a big presence in your home without you even realising it is plants! They are something that your parents will probably have taken care of rather than you, but they are an easy way to bring that sense of home in to your new space. If you want to get some greenery but don’t know where to start, then here are some easy care plants for your dorm room!
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1. Ponytail Palm
This is small plant that you can put on your night stand or on your window sill. It is hardy, fun and thrives in bright lights. It likes to be kept in semi dry conditions, which means that it won’t die immediately if you happen to forget to water it for a couple of days!
2. Golden Pothos
This is a very simply vining plant that will give you some really pretty heart shaped leaves. A Golden Pothos can tolerate the low lighting of a typical dorm room, but you do need to remember to give it a good water every day in order for it to thrive.
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3. Monstera
A Monstera is a really trendy, tropical plant that looks great but it really easy to take care of. It can tolerate and grow well in both bright light and low light, which makes it perfect for a dorm room. You don’t need to water this one regularly; just enough every now and then to keep the soil from completely drying out.
4. Rubber Tree
A rubber tree plant is a really eye catching plant that provides large, burgundy leaves for a little more drama. It best in bright, indirect light, so anywhere near your window will be fine. You definitely need to make sure you water this one, though, a nice top up whenever the first inch of soil feels dry.
5. Hedgehog Aloe
This is a great little plant to keep on your desk to make things look more homely, even better if your desk is by a sunny window spot. Another plus, the hedgehog aloe doesn’t need much water, just once in a while when it feels completely dry!