It's hard to come up with new ideas of what to do with a garden each summer, unless you are set on planting the same old veggies as usual or if you already have a perennial flower garden in place. If you're looking for something fun, take a look at the 5 ideas for a summer garden listed below.
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5. Surround Your Patio with Tall Flowering Plants
Living in town or a busy community tends to prevent many gardeners from having a special place of their own to sit and relax. Why not plant some tall flowers that will surround the patio and serve as a privacy fence? Place a fence around the patio and let some flowering vines spread over it.
4. Make a Garden for the Kids
Summer time doesn’t have to be only for adults. Kids enjoy getting out in the garden as well, especially if they have their own place in the garden. Give them a small plot and a basket full of seeds to plant. Provide them with a miniature watering can that is easy for them to handle, as well as kid-sized tools. They'll have a blast!
3. Create a Fish Pond in the Shade
Koi fish are beautiful specimens that can make any water garden look classy. Watching their long graceful bodies slice through the water can be extremely relaxing. There are many fish pond kids available in assorted sizes at stores that sell gardening supplies. They are very simple to assemble too.
2. Plant Only Exotic-looking Flowers
I'm sure you've come across some unique looking flowers in seed catalogs and thought about purchasing them for fun. Why not? Make a small garden that is filled with an assortment of some of the oddest and most tropical flowers you can find for your climate zone.
1. Use Antique Junk You've Been Storing and Create an Artsy Garden
Park an old plow or antique car parts in the garden and let some flowering vines creep over them. Find whatever you can and get creative with the incorporation of these items and a variety of flowering plants.
I hope you can use some of these ideas for your summer garden. Maybe they will inspire you to think up something on your own as well. Have you made any interesting gardens in the past you'd like others to know about?
Top Photo Credit: hn.