Poinsettias are a popular plant to buy during the holidays. They are excellent for decorating the house with and they add a festive feel to even the simplest décor. If you’ve recently received one of these beautiful plants or are thinking about purchasing one for your home, then the 5 tips on caring for poinsettias that are listed below might help you keep your plant looking great.
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5. Don’t Overwater
It’s best to feel the dirt your poinsettia is growing in to check the moisture level, instead of pouring water right into the container whenever you happen to think about it. Poinsettias like moisture, but they don’t want to set in a pool of water. Check the moisture level often if your home has a low humidity level.
4. Warmth is Important for Longer Blooming
Extreme temperatures can cause your poinsettia to look sickly. Cold drafts or even a cold window that the leaves press against for a long period of time can cause the leaves to fall off. Day time temps should be kept between 65 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit and try not to let the night time temperatures get below 60 degrees.
3. Provide Them with Lots of Light
After all, these plants come from a tropical climate where sunshine is prevalent. My plants seem to do best when they are placed by any window that isn’t facing north. Sometimes I have to set them in an easterly window in the morning and move them to a westerly window later during the day.
2. Move to a Cool Location around April
The poinsettia will begin getting ready for its resting period about this time. Place it in the basement or a cool part of the garage and don’t let it dry out completely, but cut back on the watering. By the middle of May you’ll be able to cut the stems back and repot the poinsettia in a larger container.
1. Fertilize Once New Growth Starts to Appear
The poinsettia can be set outside in a shaded portion of the yard during the summer months. Be sure to pinch off about an inch of stem during the early portion of July, this will encourage the plant to grow much stouter and less spindly. You won’t have to bring the poinsettia back indoors until the weather starts to drop below 65.
I know many people find it difficult to keep poinsettias looking good after Christmas is long gone. Hopefully the 5 tips listed above will help you to maintain your plant for more than just the holidays. These beautiful plants have the potential to make great houseplants all year long. Have you had much success with poinsettias in the past or do they seem to fizzle out after the holidays have passed? What have you found to be helpful in keeping them looking their best?
Top Photo Credit: .::æ::. Irving .::æ::.