5 Reasons to do Fall Gardening ...

Aprille Nov 3, 2010

I like to spend a lot of time in my garden, no matter what time of year it is. There is always something to do. I find gardening in the fall to be much more enjoyable than in the steamy summer months. There are multiple reasons I can think of, but here are 5 reasons to do fall gardening that I thought I'd share.

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5. Fewer Bugs

The warm weather always brings out more bugs, which I can do without. I don't miss gnats swarming around my head, flies biting before a rainstorm, or mosquitoes. Not only am I plagued by fewer bugs, but my plants also benefit from a lack of pests.

4. Cooler Weather

It's much nicer to garden when the heat index isn't up into the high 90s. I don't sweat as much and I find it easier to rake the garden or do other various gardening chores when I'm not feeling like I'm about to have a heat stroke.

3. Spring Gardening Preparation

Tilling the garden is best done in the fall. The ground isn't frozen yet and tilling during this time will break up the dirt and get it ready for spring planting. Any dead plants can also be added into the soil for mulch.

2. Take Inventory

What better way to see what you need for next year than to do a little fall gardening? This is the time of year I tend to notice rusted tomato cages, broken tools, worn out gloves, and leaky garden hoses. I can see exactly what needs to be fixed or completely replaced and take care of it before the busy gardening time begins.

1. Check Fragile Plants

Fall is also a perfect time for checking on those fragile garden plants that need a bit of extra protection over the winter. Wrapping rose bushes, digging up gladioli, and mulching around plants with a shallow root system are all chores included in fall gardening.

Gardening in the fall can not only be a much more enjoyable experience, but also necessary maintenance for some plants. There are quite a few plants that can be dug up and replanted next year, instead of letting them freeze to death and buying new ones in the spring. What reasons do you have for doing fall gardening? Is this a time of year you look forward to or do you dread it?

Top Photo Credit: gteans

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