5 Fun Things to do in a Garden ...

Aprille Dec 29, 2010

5 Fun Things to do in a Garden ...
5 Fun Things to do in a Garden ...

There’s no reason for the garden to be strictly for plants. It also should be fun to hang out in once in a while, instead of only visiting it when weeds need to be pulled. Here are 5 fun things to do in a garden that you might be able to use in your own little space. Maybe this list will make you think of other things to do as well.

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5. Make a Place for the Cats to Hang out with You

Build a little climbing post for the cats to go up and down. Cats are all about climbing and they are extremely curious, so they should find this little post fairly quickly. You can add a small platform to the top of the post or even a second story to it. Plant some catnip nearby to entice them to hang out a bit longer if you want to.

4. Add Some Lights

You can wrap twinkle lights around trees surrounding the garden, invest in some solar lights to place randomly between the plants, or install decorative lights that come on as soon as dusk arrives. I’m all for the twinkle lights, since they add a nice glow and don’t cost much at all.

3. Create Gnome Homes or Toad Houses

Gnome homes can be made from scraps of wood and covered with moss, bark, or anything to make it look more a part of the woods. Toad houses are commonly made from broken terra cotta pots. Either of these creations can be set among flowers or in a vegetable garden to add some character. Attracting toads to your garden will keep the bug population down.

2. Spell Words with Plants

Marigolds are an excellent flower to use for spelling words. I’ve seen family names written in sturdy little flowers along the front edge of a lawn and it was amazing. There are different hues of marigolds and these were combined in such a way that shading of letters was possible.

1. Get Creative with the Landscape

Let the kids paint rocks or make sculptures to place among the flowers. Build a small pond and place some fish in it. Designate a corner for the birds or squirrels. I tend to use a lot of rocks when touching up the landscape of my garden area. These are great for touching up a landscape without making any permanent changes.

Coming up with fun things to do can be a great way to get the family together for an activity. Kids usually have a lot of fun with this, especially when they all get together and collaborate on ideas. What types of ideas do you have for fun things to do in the garden?

Top Photo Credit: Dominique Loves Light ( off to San Francisco )

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