I’ve seen so many amazing trees over the years. I wish my yard was big enough to hold one of each! Even though I have lots of favorites in my list of trees, here are 5 cool trees for you to read about. Maybe one of your favorites is listed below as well.
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5. Monkey Puzzle Tree
These enormous evergreens can easily live to be 1000 years old. I have yet to see any in the United States, but supposedly a few people grow them indoors in the US. They are tall and full like a spruce tree and produce pinecones that are close to 5 inches long. Each branch is filled with leaves that are triangular and extremely tough.
4. Japanese Maple
I love the red variety of this tree. I’ve seen many used as accents in flower gardens. They can be kept small or allowed to grow to their full height of around 32 feet. Even the Japanese maple with green leaves turn a gorgeous crimson color in the fall. The only downfall to these trees is that they can be quite expensive.
3. Mimosa
My dad considers this tree to be a weed, since he can’t get seeds to quit sprouting in his flower garden. He is always pulling them up! The blossoms on a mature Mimosa tree are amazing and attract both butterflies and hummingbirds. The fragrance of the fuzzy pink blooms is intense as well. These trees have a very tropical look to them and love humid weather.
2. Redbud
The spring time in my area is kicked off to a start by the redbud trees blooming throughout the woods and alongside the road. The dark reddish-purple blooms appear well before the leaves of all the trees around here. The buds are very sweet and make a great addition to pancakes, which is how they are commonly used by the locals here.
1. Weeping Willow
This is one tree that I wish I could successfully grow. The ground is filled with too much clay in my yard and I just can’t seem to keep willows furnished with enough water to keep them happy. I really enjoy seeing the willows next to my neighbor’s pond and watching the branches sway in the breeze. They are the perfect shade tree, in my opinion!
I hope you live in a climate where you are able to grow at least one of the trees I mentioned above. Trees are extremely beneficial and many of them have a striking display of flowers in the springtime. What tree is at the top of your list of favorites? What do you think draws you towards this tree?
Top Photo Credit: Rachael Ashe