5 Poison Plants ...

Aprille Sep 22, 2010

5 Poison Plants ...
5 Poison Plants ...

Having animals has definitely made me more aware of poisonous plants. I'm always on the lookout for signs that my cats or dog have been into the garden and eating my plants. My garden mostly consists of plants that are completely harmless to cats and dogs; however, there are a few. These 5 poison plants are listed below.

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5. Azalea

These plants line my driveway and add so much color to the yard. Even though they are beautiful, they are still dangerous. Every part of this plant is poisonous and can cause a variety of symptoms; nausea, vomiting, difficulty breathing, and coma. Thankfully fatalities are extremely rare.

4. Bleeding Heart

My grandmother has always had these in her garden, as well as my mom. They both had cats and never had any difficulties with their felines ingesting any part of these plants. The roots and leaves of this plant are poisonous and can cause a variety of nervous symptoms.

3. Daffodil

Only the bulb portion of this plant is poisonous, which isn't a common part of the plant eaten by cats. On the other hand, dogs are known for digging and commonly chew on what they dig up. These bulbs can be fatal if swallowed in large portions. Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea are all signs on ingestion of these bulbs.

2. Foxglove

Just about every part of this plant is poisonous, flowers, leaves, and seeds. These perennial flowers come in yellow, white, pink, and purple and are a common one in wildflower gardens. Fatalities can occur if this plant is eaten, but usually it only upsets the entire digestive system and causes mental confusion.

1. Ivy

There are many varieties of ivy. Most of them have poisonous leaves and berries. Stomach pains, breathing that is labored, and even a coma is possible with the ingestion of these plants. People know that poison ivy is poisonous, just because of its name. The rest of the ivy may look benign, but they can be just as dangerous.

You can still have beautiful plants that are potentially poisonous and not have to worry about your pets being in danger. A simple cage or small fence around any of these plants can be added if necessary to keep pets away from them. Do you have any of these plants and find it difficult to keep your pet from bothering them? Are there any other plants that are poisonous to animals that you think people should be aware of?

Top Photo Credit: keithhull

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