Are you looking for 5 reasons to love spring? If so, then I urge you to read my blog. I am going to include some of my favorite things about the spring months in this blog.
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5. The Rain
You have got to love the April showers! This is definitely a sign that the springtime is in the air. You know what they say, April Showers bring May flowers!
4. The Flowers
Yes, during the springtime, there is even more flowers. You will find flowers of all different colors from purple to yellow to pink and orange. I love when spring comes, because this means I can add a bigger variety in my garden. Yep, it’s time to start doing gardening again!
3. The Beach
I think the spring months would be a great time to go to the beach. People always wait for winter to pass for this reason.
2. The Cookouts
I believe during the spring months, there are more cookouts. Cookouts are always fun and are great ways to spend time with the family. During the winter months, you don’t really find very many people cooking out.
1. The Weather
Many people like the spring months because the weather is warmer. If you are the type of person who does not like the cold weather, then all winter long, you are probably counting those days where spring time will come.
Those are 5 reasons to love spring. Of course, you also have to include the smell that is in the air. Every spring, I love the smell of fresh grass being cut. It brings back memories of when I was a kid. What about you? Why do you like the spring months?
Top Photo Credit: Juan Photography