5 of My Favorite Flowers ...

Aprille Jan 31, 2011

5 of My Favorite Flowers ...
5 of My Favorite Flowers ...

I love just about every type of flowering plant there is, but I do have a few favorites that make their way to the top of my list. 5 of my favorite flowers are listed below. Each one can be found in a number of places around my home. They are not only beautiful to look at, but extremely hardy as well.

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5. Blue Bachelor Button

The little blossoms on these flowers are so delicate and such a gorgeous shade of blue. They make for a beautiful bouquet and fit well in either a tall slender vase or a short squatty one. I pluck the heads off in the fall and sprinkle them all over the ground so that I will have more Bachelor Buttons the following spring.

4. Stargazer Lily

This was one of the very first lilies I ever planted in my garden. I was intrigued by the bright pink framed in white and the little speckles adorning each slim petal. I have many lilies that bloom in my garden each spring, but this is the one I always look forward to most of all.

3. Grape Hyacinth

I remember picking these for my grandmother when I was very small. She always had so many of them lining the sidewalk that wound from the driveway to her little brown house. She never cared that I would grab handfuls at a time. These flowers are extremely fragrant, considering how tiny they are.

2. Daffodil

Nothing brightens a room quicker than a bouquet of Daffodils. When I lived up north the banks used to sell bouquets of Daffodils during the winter time. These yellow beauties were raised in green houses and I remember looking forward to the sale each year. The winters were very long. I always welcomed the scent and cheeriness each Daffodil provided as they sat clustered together in a vase on my kitchen table.

1. Lily of the Valley

This was another type of flower that my grandmother had in her yard. Miniature white bell-like flowers hung amid the dark green lily leaves that lined the side of my grandmother’s home. All the Lily of the Valley plants that are in my own yard came directly from my grandmother’s. They are surprisingly hardy even though each blossom looks very fragile.

Each of these flowers brings a smile to my face. They take very little care to keep them happy and thriving. I’d recommend any of these to someone who was just beginning a flower garden. What are your favorite flowers? Why do you think you like them so well?

Top Photo Credit: Arctic Hope Alaskan Malamutes

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