7 Tips for Getting Fresh Cut Flowers to Last Longer ...


7 Tips for Getting Fresh Cut Flowers to Last Longer ...
7 Tips for Getting Fresh Cut Flowers to Last Longer ...

How to get fresh cut flowers to last longer is a question that I would often ask myself. A fresh bunch of flowers is one of my favourite ways to brighten up a space, and I’m always sad when they start to wither and wilt. Over time I’ve picked up a few tricks to help them last that little bit longer. The following are a few tips and trick on how to get your fresh cut flowers to last longer.

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1. Use Warm Water

One of the first things to look at for how to get fresh cut flowers to last longer is the type of water you’re putting in the vase. When filling up, avoid using cold water and opt for warm water intead. This is because warm water is more easily absorbed by the flower stems than cold water.

2. Use Preservatives

Getting your flowers to last longer can be as simple as adding some preservatives to the water. You can buy flower preservatives in stores, but why not make your own from household ingredients instead? Two such ingredients are sugar and white vinegar. The sugar nourishes the plants and the vinegar inhibits bacteria. Adding a few teaspoons per litre of warm water should do the trick.

3. Add Bleach

If you’ve never heard this tip before, it may seem a bit odd. However, it is just another clever method when it comes to how to get fresh cut flowers to last longer. Adding a hint of bleach (about a quarter of a teaspoon per litre) to your vase water will help inhibit the growth of bacteria, allowing your flowers to stay fresher for longer.

4. Change Water Regularly

To help extend the life of your fresh cut flowers, it’s important to change the vase water every few days. Leaving the stems in the same still pool of water for long periods of time can encourage bacteria growth and rotting to occur.

5. Cut Stems on an Angle

Something as simple as the angle at which you cut the stems is one tip for how to get fresh cut flowers to last longer. Cutting them on an angle helps a greater uptake of water through the stems.

6. Avoid Overcrowding

You might want your vase to be bursting with colour, but putting too many flowers in one vase can have a negative effect on the shelf life of your bouquet. Giving flowers enough “breathing room” is better as it allows more air to circulate.

7. Pick Flowers in the Morning or Evening

If you’re picking your own flowers, the time of day which they are cut can make all the difference when it comes to how to get fresh cut flowers to last longer. The best times to pick flowers are early in the morning or late in the evening. This is because the stems are filled with water and the air is cooler. Avoid picking flowers during the heat of the day.

Next time you’re placing a bunch of flowers in a vase, think back to these tips on how to get your fresh cut flowers to last longer. Something as simple as the temperature of the water or how many you place in a vase can make all the difference. Do you have any handy tips for how to get fresh cut flowers to last longer that you’d like to add?

Top Image Source: pinterest.com

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