Perfect Ways to Start a Sidewalk Garden ...

By Heather

Perfect Ways to Start a Sidewalk Garden ...

Want to learn how to start a sidewalk garden? Maintaining a regular garden can be fun and beneficial, especially when you see the rewards that are grown from your own hard work planting in the spring. From this, there are diverse types of gardens that can be grown which can not only supply you with beautiful flowers and vegetables, but it can also be a great stress reducer!

One example of a new and exciting project for the diehard gardener is creating their own types of addition gardens separate from their main one. A sidewalk garden is a wonderful way to accomplish this. If you are tired of maintaining a regular sidewalk, whether that is in the front, the side, or the back of your house, you can use creative ideas to spruce this area up leading to a colorful entrance to your home! Upon carefully measuring the area of planting on either side of the sidewalk, you will need to ensure you are planting the flowers that you not only want but those that flourish in that area. Here's how to start a sidewalk garden.

1 Plant for Every Season

Plant in groups of three to five to maintain visual consistency. Spring flowering bulbs, summer flowers, and even fall mums look fantastic and provide a variety of color throughout the year. Keeping the season in mind is one of the most important tips for how to start a sidewalk garden.

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2 Be Sure to Mix Both Perennial and Annual Flowers

This ensures long term blooms despite the change in seasons.

3 Growing Edibles is Also a Wonderful Way to Drive Colorful Blooming While Filling in Spaces along Side the Sidewalk Leading to Your Home

Blueberries, lettuce, herbs Including parsley, basil, sage, and oregano can grow, filling in spaces and leaving you with the ability to pick as You wish and eat!

4 Plant Edibles That You Can Not Only Eat but Those That Provide a Fragrant Smell!

Pineapple sage is a great example of this, as it yields a plant smelling of pineapple while providing you with red blooms that you can use to adorn salads, teas, and even cocktails!

Before you plant anything, remember to make sure that you plant sun-seeking groups in areas where they can soak up the sunlight and grow. This type of garden will leave you with a bright and colorful walk to your front door that you will appreciate throughout the year!

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