Want some clever gardening hacks? Let's face it, gardening takes more than just putting the seeds in the dirt and pouring in a little water then leaving it. It takes so much more than that and while it can be a lot of fun, it can get a little frustrating too. However, when you research and use the right tips and tricks for gardening, you will realize it gets easier and actually works out the way you need it to. There are many tips to making the whole gardening experience easier and much more exciting. Among the most challenging elements of the gardening experience, the weeds are the most annoying, especially when they get entangled in your delicate plants and flowers.
Incorporating everyday objects and materials into your gardening, such as a plastic fork for warding off animals is more than enough to make the activity much more fun. Below we will outline a few tips you can add your hobby.
Here are 12 clever gardening hacks that you are going to love.
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1. Make It Easier to Identify Where You Planted Each Seed
Sometimes when you plant a few different seeds, you may not always remember where they are sown. One way to make this easier and get more creative is to use stones that you can paint the name of each seed on. You can source a stone cutter and shape the stone and then add the names to them. This is my favorite of these clever gardening hacks!
2. Use Plastic Forks to Ward off Animals from Your Garden
Animals can be another annoying factor in your gardening experiences. You can easily keep them out by sticking used plastic forks in the soil between plants. They won't want to get hurt so they'll stay out.
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3. Use Eggshells as a Base for Sowing Seeds
If you have seeds to sow, but really don't have the resources to do so, you can use the shells of eggs to sow the seeds needed for transplant.
4. Make Use of Your Old Boots
Have some beautiful flowers you received but don't have pots to plant them in? You can always use your old boots to create a hanging or standing garden. Simply fill the boots with dirt and plants.
5. Repaint Your Old Flower Pots
Repaint your old pots to give them a new look. You don't necessarily have to buy a new set.
6. Make Use of Your Cardboard Drink Holders
Have a few cardboard drink holders and need a sowing base for your seeds? These make perfect soil beds.
7. Kill Garden Pest with Leftover Beer
You can use leftover beer to kill garden pests, especially slugs, as the contents damage their bodies and systems.
8. Keep Your Herbs Fresh
Herbs are great when it comes to cooking so you always want to keep your herbs and spices fresh. When you harvest, you can crush or mince them, add a little olive oil, then place in the freezer. This method will help keep them fresh.
9. Eggs Shells Are Great for the Garden
Add crushed eggshells to your garden to help enrich the soil and keep insects and pests away.
10. Use Diapers
Diapers help to keep the soil in your garden moist and help to retain water a little longer than usual.
11. Add Coffee Grounds to the Soil
Adding some coffee grounds to your garden soil helps to enrich and provide nutrients to the soil. It also helps to keep insects away from your plants.
12. Create Your Own Mini Greenhouses
You can cut the tops off empty milk bottles and place them over your plants to create the effect of a greenhouse.