26 of Today's Epic Flowers Inspo to Brighten Every Girl's Day ...

Sophie Jan 1, 2015

26 of Today's Epic Flowers Inspo to Brighten Every Girl's Day ...
26 of Today's Epic Flowers Inspo to Brighten Every Girl's Day ...

Flowers are fabulous and they always make us smile and boost our mood. Check out these awesome flower inspos from Instagram but before you do, here's an interesting fact:

Orchids represent exotic and wonderful beauty.

Snapshot Survey

What's your favorite way to relax after a long day?

1. @jannelford

2. @thelittleran

3. @hannahargyle

4. @bloomthat

5. @steelcutflowerco

6. @keepingwiththetimes

7. @fl0ragraphy

8. @thebouqsco

9. @coffeeandseasons

10. @carolynrauh

11. @lamusadelasflores

12. @ponderosa_and_thyme

13. @flowerpower_moscow

14. @thejungalow

15. @soilandstem

16. @permillion44

17. @bowsandarrowsflowers

18. @naughtyteas

19. @idreaminflowers

20. @kyoko29kyokolily

21. @yasminemei

22. @minimaliving

23. @fleuropean

24. @boutierre_girls

25. @the_blue_carrot

26. @doan_ly

Aren't these gorgeous? Tell us which ones you liked best! And if your fave flower account is not on this list - do tell in the comments, dolls!

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