5 Reasons to Be Thankful for the Spring ...

By Aprille

5 Reasons to Be Thankful for the Spring ...

Here is a short list of why I’m thrilled spring never fails to show up each year. I can think of more than 5 reasons to be thankful for the spring, but I’ll just leave you with the short list posted below. Feel free to share your reasons for why you look forward to spring time as well.

5 Warmer Weather is Finally Approaching

Not only do I find the warmer weather more comfortable to garden in, but this means I can finally move all my houseplants outside. My kitchen is crowded during the winter time with all the plants I have hanging on the front porch. Springtime allows me to finally have my kitchen back!

4 More Sunny Days to Spend outside

I think I enjoy the sunshine as much as all the plants do. I soak it up when I’m outside digging in the dirt. It tends to draw me to the outdoors, by making the yard seem much more inviting.

3 New Flowers Can Be Planted

The nurseries always fill up in the spring. I enjoy perusing my favorite nurseries to see what new plants are available for me to buy. Planting new flowers always keeps me very busy!

2 I Get to Try out My New Garden Tools

I usually buy new garden tools in the fall when they go on sale. Unfortunately, I have to wait until spring arrives to try them out. It is definitely something to look forward to.

1 Boredom is Finally No Longer an Issue

I can always find plenty of things to do in the spring. Layering compost onto the plot where the veggie garden will go, mulching the flower bed, and tilling new ground for another garden area are just a few of the tasks that keep me busy in the spring.

These are my personal reasons for being thankful spring has arrived. I’m sure you have your own reasons and I’d love to hear some of them. Do you live in an area with an extremely long winter and a short spring? How do you handle this type of climate?

Top Photo Credit: Uncle Phooey

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